Sunday, September 11, 2016


When I was about 10 years old, I used to sit in the living room on this gold colored rocking chair that we had. I would do this in the middle of the day, and I was super content to just sit comfortably and motionless and think. One day my mom came into the room and asked, "Hey Spencer, what are you doing? Why don't you go play outside?" To which I replied that I was thinking. I might have also mentioned some of the things that I was thinking about...and that could be why later on, days later when she would see me sitting there thinking, I would hear her say something about me working on solving the World's problems. I really was.

One of the big things running around in my head was a way to grow food in a hostile environment, such as the the Sahara desert. Another thing I thought about was how to find a source of electricity so I could live wherever I wanted to, and still use lights and a refrigerator. These were just a couple of the topics that reoccurred often in my meditation sessions. The bad news was that I was a super shy 10 year old kid with absolutely zero resources, and I hardly ever wrote things down.

That day when my mom asked what I was doing, I believe was the day that I learned what the word "meditate" means. I feel like meditation has been a big part of my life ever since then. I don't do it as often as I did back then. Life keeps getting busier, but it is fun for me to take the time to think about blessing that I have received as answers to prayers. I really do believe that prayers are answered, whether we like the answers or not. I also like to take the time to meditate about life, and where I think my life might be going.

This story sort of highlights what I said in an earlier post (somewhere) about the way I think. I often wonder if other people think the same way as me, but how would we ever know that for sure? If you get to know someone well enough, you can get to the point where you can predict how they would think in a given situation, but what do people think about when they just have time to sit and think?

Do you sit and think sometimes? If you want a challenge, set aside a time where you can just sit still and think for an hour or so. Then write down your ideas, or the topics that you thought about. When I was in high school, I had some friends that whenever I was around them they only talked about sports. It was really bizarre for me because my family was never huge into professional sports, and it seemed like these kids thought exclusively about sports all the time every day. So, what do you think about?  

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