This is an interesting one though. This is actually a girl that I started dating back in 2011. She was fun, and pretty, but in the end I just felt like I was on a path that I didn't want to pursue. I had a strange habit at the time of drawing a portrait of the girls that I liked, so I drew this one, and gave it to her as a gift.
I actually met her at a party of a mutual friend who was interested in her at the time. I ended up spending most of the night around her, and asking her out a few days later. If she ever reads this, then I guess she will learn that my friend who was throwing the party was pretty torn between this girl and another girl, and when he saw that I showed interest in her, he was almost relieved in a way because he felt like his choice was easier to make.
The best memory that I have with her was on that first night we were switching off jumping on a trampoline while the other one threw gummy bears at them from a balcony/deck at this big house we were at. We were surprisingly good at it, which made it all the more fun...to see how many we could get in a row sort of thing.
Anyway, that is the story of this picture. She is one of the girls that I was interested in that really liked horses. It seemed like every time I liked a girl who had a thing for horses, it ended up ending kind of strangely. And living in central Utah, there were a lot of girls who had spent lots of time around horses. I mean, I had spent quite a bit of time around horses at my grandpa's farm.. it's just that none of them were broken and ride-able.
So, there you have it. I might share some insights later on about dating and mushy stuff like that.. still trying to figure out what this blog should be.
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