Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Checkpoint 1 for Senior Project Contribution - UVU Fall 2019

90 Minute over the shoulder "Face Rigging Demo"
On YouTube for the public benefit.

The blend shapes are all in Mudbox, and I don't push those to Git

Here is my github link:

Here is a list of what I have done so far on this project:
  • I sculpted both boys
  • Started the sculpt for Kong
  • cleaned up the Zilla sculpt
  • Modeled the Zilla character's hands, gums, teeth, tongue, inside mouth/throat  

  • All of the retopo on both boys
  • All of the retopo on Zilla

Rigging on the boys:

  • Face rigs for both boys: sculpted all blend shapes, 
  • Created face controls, 
  • Added and skinned joints for jaws, head, and eyelids, 
  • Set up set driven keys for eyelids, etc